The last weeks since the COVID19 Corona virus outbreak have been very challenging for all of us. But while we had to come up with completely new ways to continue helping those in need we have been very positively reassured by the great amount of positive initiatives and support of our volunteers and the local community donating both food and money. The sense of community and solidarity that seems to still be around is very encouraging and we want to thank everyone for their support and for not forgetting that unfortunately we are not “all in the same boat” – but that the boats people are in, look quite differently and it takes working together in solidarity to get everyone safe through these challenging times.
What we have done so far – from our kitchens and living rooms which have now become our offices…
Both our adult and youth team have been busy putting new phone advice systems in place. We have been both checking in on existing clients and assessing their needs, as well as still taking on new urgent cases, triaging people over the phone and then forward them to our caseworkers and advice volunteers.
We have been grateful to receive many food and toiletries donations as well as some money donations and so have set up a little delivery scheme for some of the most vulnerable clients we see. With the help of our brave delivery volunteers, food, toiletries essentials and hardship money is being brought to people’s houses.
To make sure that no one gets forgotten we have started to set up a phone buddy scheme, matching support volunteers with clients to check up on them on a regular basis and feedback any issues and needs to our staff. We believe that beyond more practical support, it is also important to fight social isolation.
Another way of fighting social isolation is our women’s group which continues to operate virtually, having moved to Whatsapp. Our Women’s Group facilitator is sharing resources, self-care material, educational games for children, virtual yoga sessions and will be keeping the women updated with the news and with changes. The same is being put in place for our youth club, where our youth club coordinator shares educational material and instructs phone buddy volunteers for isolated young people.
How you can support us:
Donate: if you would like to donate money to help us ensure continuous hardship grants for those most in need, you can donate here:
We still are happy about every food and toiletries donation! We also are looking for second hand laptops, tablets and smartphone for our young people in isolation. The office will be open for collections 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday to Friday. To arrange a visit to collect food or request a delivery, call/ text/whatsapp 07743466894 or email
Volunteer: Please get in touch if you would you like to get involved as delivery or support volunteer. We are especially looking for support volunteers who speak Pashtu, Dari, Tigrinya, Amharic, Somali, Farsi and Arabic.
To find out more about any of the services, get involved as a volunteer or to refer an adult, a family or a young person call/ text or whatsapp: Rebekka: 07809736493 and Semsem: 07711198594 or call the office: 02034903443 or email:
Thank you all for your great support – your SLRA Team.